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It is a massage whose purpose is to dissolve muscle contractures.

Decontracting Massage 


What is the decontracting massage and general characteristics


The decontracting massage is a type of massage whose purpose is to dissolve muscle contractures.


It is a form of manipulation conceived and put into practice for purposes that can be defined as therapeutic.


The decontracting massage involves the manipulation of specific areas according to the area affected by the contracture. The latter is an involuntary, persistent and painful contraction of one or more skeletal muscles that are rigid with hypertonia of the muscle fibers that can be appreciated to the touch.


Why is the decontracting massage practiced?


The objectives to be achieved with the practice of decontracting massage are: to loosen the muscular tensions typical of this disorder, to reduce the pain induced by them and to speed up recovery times.


Muscle contractures can also affect individuals who do not practice any sport, as well as individuals who practice sports, but not at a competitive level.


How is a decontracting massage done?


The decontracting massage should be done by qualified personnel with adequate knowledge of the human body and the manipulations that must be carried out to dissolve the contracture and release muscle tension.


A badly executed manipulation, in fact, could be ineffective or even worsen the situation with consequent prolongation of recovery times. The decontracting massage must focus on the area or areas affected by the contracture; those most commonly affected are: Shoulders; Neck; Back and lumbar area; Lower limbs (legs and calves).


Depending on the area to be massaged, it is possible to proceed with different types of manipulation; in general, fractionation and grazing maneuvers are carried out first, then followed by rubbing and kneading maneuvers, pressure-type manipulations, pinching and percussion movements.


The intensity with which the manipulations are carried out will depend on the type and location of the muscle contracture that must be resolved.


In this regard, we remind you once again the importance of contacting adequately trained personnel who will be able to better identify the problem by establishing a suitable massage session to solve it.


However, it should be noted that in most cases, to completely resolve the problem, it is necessary to undergo several sessions.


The decontracting massage can also be performed with four hands, thus requiring the intervention of two masseurs. On average, a decontracting massage session lasts from 20 minutes up to about 40-50 minutes.


What are the benefits of decontracting massage?


A properly performed decontracting massage is able to reduce muscle tension and stiffness that typically accompany contractures, reduce the pain perceived by the individual and improve the muscle mobility of the affected area, thus favoring faster recovery and healing.


The manipulations can also promote and stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as generate a feeling of relaxation and general well-being in the massage at the end of the session.


In some cases, it is also possible to perceive a slight sensation of soreness in the area treated which, however, should resolve in a short time.


Can the decontracting massage give rise to unwanted effects? If properly performed, the decontracting massage should not give rise to any type of undesirable effect.


If poorly performed, the contracture could worsen, the onset of new muscle damage and an extension of the healing time. In the event that massage creams or oils are used to facilitate manipulations, the possible occurrence of allergic reactions to one or more of the components of these products cannot be excluded.


Are there any contraindications to performing the decontracting massage?


As with any other massage technique, even the decontracting massage should not be performed in particular conditions and in the presence of some ailments and diseases.


The decontracting massage is generally not recommended in case of: Osteoporosis;

Low blood pressure Cardiac pathologies;

Venous thrombosis;


Trauma or spinal injury; Injured, scalded skin, etc .;

Skin fragility; Anticoagulant drug therapy in progress; Pregnancy.


People affected by one or more of the aforementioned conditions or diseases must necessarily seek medical advice before undergoing a decontracting massage or any other form of massage.

Where to do the decontracting massage and who to contact


The decontracting massage is practiced almost everywhere, from beauty centers to spas, to then move on to real massage centers and physiotherapy centers.


The important thing is to always contact reliable structures and competent, adequately trained and certified personnel.


In fact, a decontracting massage poorly performed or performed by inexperienced hands could not only be counterproductive, but could lead to a worsening of the starting condition.


